Q. Is the Rush - Poppers .us Website Secure?
A. Yes, we use a secure SSL certificate from Godaddy and use Authorize.net as our secure payment gateway processor.
Q. How are my Rush - Poppers .us items packaged and when can I expect them?
A. Your items are packaged discretely. No reference to Rush - Poppers.us is ever made. Expect your items in 2-3 days. Sorry. we cannot offer faster shipping due to Federal Air Regulations.
Q. How much is shipping from Rush - Poppers .us?
A. Shipping is a flat $7.95 regardless of how much you order.
Q. Will my Rush - Poppers .us information be kept private?
A. Absolutely. Rush - Poppers .us does not sell your information to third parties. We do not send you ANY type of correspondence through the US Mail. You will not receive anything at your mailing address other than what you have ordered. We do, twice Monthly, send out promotional emails. The emails are typically for 10% or more off, are widely accepted by our Customers and are easy to opt out of at any time.